Monday, August 10, 2015

Some Thoughts on This Year

I don’t even know where to start.  The last few days I have so many thoughts running around my head that I can’t even think straight or outline a clear plan for what I’d like to do this year.  Since discovering the whole world of a PLN on twitter, I have been drowning in fabulous ideas and inspiration by what I believe are some pretty awesome teachers out there.  

Probably best to just get some ideas out there.  Need a starting place somewhere.  So here goes…

Three things that  I am hoping to incorporate this year, that I didn’t use last year are the use of a google site for my classes, using twitter to have chats with my students regarding things that we are working on in class, and students blogging about math related topics.  Along with all of those techy things, I really want to get myself out from the front of the classroom and have the kids do more of the talking.  

The google site is up and ready to go.  I debated on whether to use Google Classroom or a Google Site and finally decided that the Google Site offered more options and would allow me to incorporate my blog as well.  I want a single “go to” place where my students can access a class calendar, links to resources, and class materials, but would also give me some flexibility to add images and pages that would relate to the materials we will be covering.  I’m also planning to use other aspects of my google drive that will work nicely with the class site.

I’m envisioning twitter being an opportunity for kids that may otherwise be reserved in class to have a platform where they will be able to communicate and converse with peers with a little less stress.  I’ve participated in a few twitter chats myself this summer, for the first time, and love the dynamics of this tool and hope that it will encourage some of my kids to get more involved in the discussions.  

And finally a class blog.  My hope is to get my kids to blog once during each 6 week grading period.  I will push for their post to be math related, where it’s something they have researched, or just something to do with the content we are learning in class.  Again, my thought is that this will be another way to get students talking about math.

Along with all of those techy things, I really want to get myself out from the front of the classroom and have the kids do more of the talking.   I feel it is so important for the learning in my room to be student centered and student led.  This is probably what I would consider to be one of my weakest areas as a teacher and the area I hope to grow in the most this year.  

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